Two clips of the oil being driven out of the bearings.
The first lift!
Benny burning out the weld between the foundation ring and the side wrapper.
A nice even flame on the tyre heating it to 250°c to 300°c
Some persuasion releases the tyre!
Super 8mm film taken by the late Alan Hoggett in 1976 at Backworth.
Applying heat to one of the blast pipe studs. 3 needed a nut welded on top to remove - the 4th we managed to remove with a Stillson.
Alan & I reeming out holes in the frame using the torque wrench & multiplier. Video by Cameron Sweetenham.
Brian Warrender & Nick reeming the springs.
Some videos of N.L. Engineering Ltd boring the cylinder between 3rd & 5th Decenber '24
RH cylinder being bored out.