The Task in hand!

Work on the overhaul of Austerity No9 started in June 2019. The blog was started in June 2021 so photos and text will be added as the work progressed through that period. Because of the Covid pandemic work was interupted during that time but the intention is to restore Austerity No9 to working condition as an N.C.B locomotive in blue. Work continues.............

14 June 2022

The boiler and firebox lift.

 Further progress was made on Monday 13th June when the boiler was lifted from the chassis and placed on wagons. This will facilitate work being done on both the boiler/firebox and chassis. The next task is to remove the centre driving wheels to measure for new tyres.

Ready for the lift.

Chains being positioned for the lift.

Boiler and firebox lifted clear of the chassis. Benny steadying, Nathan in crane and Adam looking on.

Boiler being lowered onto wagons. Benny steadying, Adam motioning to lower and Nathan in control in crane!

Boiler placed on wagons.

Boiler-less chassis being pushed back into Shed.

Chassis without motion. Next step to remove the centre driving wheels to measure for new tyres.